Spikeball now arrived!
Marc-Andre Dugas |
Games or sports? Or both? You've seen this little black and yellow trampoline game everywhere, but you still don't know why groups of people are sticking a ball in it? Finally, you'll get some answers. Spikeball is a new sport that is sweeping the planet. It is played 2 on 2, with a Spikeball net stretched with a hula hoop placed between the teams. One player starts a point by serving the ball over the net to ricochet against their opponents. They have up to three sure shots between them (just like volleyball) to control the ball and send it back from the net. When they miss, you score. Did we mention that there are no boundaries? Once a point starts, players can move or hit the ball from anywhere.
Spikeball™ is an intense, competitive and fun sport for kids and adults alike. Even NFL teams use it to train and develop their reflexes!
Find here at Soccer Sport Fitness, authorized retailer of Spikeball, the Spikeball, the Spikeball Pro and the Spikebuoy, to have fun in the water!