5th edition of the Run 6h in Heart!

5e édition du Courir 6h En Coeur!

Marc-Andre Dugas |

The 5th edition of the Run for Heart 6h in Quebec City will take place on October 6th at the Base de Plein Air in Ste-Foy to benefit the Fondation En Coeur!

Following its success last year, the 2nd edition of theULTRA-Marathonthe city and trail course that will allow runners to cross the National Capital in all its splendor in 54 km! From the St-Charles River through the Kabir-Kouba Falls to the Promenade de Champlain and then along the Corridor du Littoral, the Jacques-Cartier Beach and the Sentier des Grèves, the runners of the Ultra Marathon En Coeur will join the runners of the Courir 6h En Coeur Québec at the Base de Plein Air Ste-Foy. It is still still time to register!

Under the honorary co-chairmanship of Dr. Frédéric Jacques, congenital heart surgeon, and Mr. Jean-Robert Leclerc, President of the Board of Directors of the Leclerc Group, come and run while supporting a good cause, that of the Fondation En Coeur, whose mission is to accompany children with heart disease and their families and to provide them with all the necessary support.

For the occasion, entertainment and food-truck to benefit the Foundation on site!

There is still time to register as a team or to join one of the teams at the Run for Heart 6h until midnight September 30th!

Silver partner and collaborator of the event of the event, we are waiting for you in great numbers!

Courir 6h En Coeur

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